BCS: Time to Take Another Look at ND!
Nick Saban Finds
Another Home He'll Never Leave!
"Receive my instruction, and not silver; and
knowledge rather than choice gold. For wisdom is better
than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are
not to be compared to it." (Proverbs, Chapter 8, Verses
- January
5, 2007 -
"Truth is
the glue that holds government together - not only
government, but civilization itself." President
Gerald Ford
- *********** Coach Armando
Castro writes from Roanoke, Virginia...
- Coach. Reading this e mail
was truly uplifting and re assuring to me. In a time when
my worry for our country is at an all time high.I receive
this e mail from an institution that is still molding
young men like this. God bless,Armando
- From:
- Sir, First off, please excuse
my tardy response. We just arrived back at West Point and
I did not access my email account while on leave. I
wanted to thank you for your extremely kind words and
support. I will take them all into next season and look
forward to returning to the field next season with as
much vigor as I can supply.
- Tomorrow night will be our
annual banquet where I will receive the award. I will be
sure to send a picture to the young man you mentioned in
your previous email. Again, thank you very much and
please forgive my unacceptable delayed response. Have a
great day.
- Very Respectfully,
- CDT Viti
- *********** While the BCS is doing a little
off-season tweaking (which gave us Boise State this
year), let's hope they tweak it a little more and raise
the BCS bar for Notre Dame, since it is obvious after
nine straight bowl losses that Notre Dame's privileged
status has allowed it to bypass better qualified teams (I
can think of Auburn and Wisconsin just this year), and
worm its way into bowl games it's not prepared to compete
- At the same time, the BCS should modify its payout to
non-conference independents (i.e., Notre Dame). Notre
Dame's share of BCS money should be no greater than what
the highest participating conference member's share would
be, after making distributions to the rest of its
conference. From the standpoint of the schools against
whom Notre Dame recruits and competes, the present system
of allowing one single school to rake in as much money
from a bowl game as an entire conference is insane.
- *********** I don't watch a whole lot of baseball any
more, but I guess a female named Jeanne Zelasko endeared
herself to baseball fans while covering the 2005 All-Star
Game in Detroit. Evidently, while interviewing Tigers'
longtime announcer Ernie Harwell, she abruptly cut him
off a mere 17 seconds into the interview, as Harwell was
talking about Tiger Hall of Famer Al Kaline. Gee, what
hardcore baseball fan would want to hear a Hall of Fame
announcer talking about a Hall of Fame outfielder when he
can listen to a ditzy female?
- Now, Ms. Zelasko is the latest in the seemingly
unending line of sideline bimbos inflected on football
fans. Thanks a lot, Fox.
- Making her debut at the Sugar Bowl, she came off as a
tactile sort, who couldn't keep her hands off the coaches
she was interviewing. And she wouldn't shut the f--k up,
thinking somehow that we wanted to hear her rather than
Les Miles. (Actually, she was right in one respect - I'd
rather hear anybody than Charlie Weis.)
- She saved her best for the end, though, when she
closed her interview with LSU wide receiver Dwayne Bowe
by saying, "Continued success in the NFL... You got your
celebration dance already worked out?"
- *********** The guys in the booth said ND needed more
speed. Uh-oh. Remember Paul Hornung ("We need to lower
the academic standards")? And Fisher DeBerry ("We need
more Afro-Americans")? I would suggest that they say no
more. STOP... RIGHT... THERE....
- ********** Hugh, I agree it was a hell of a game and
afterwards I couldn't go to sleep/ I mean I thought they
were doomed after the INT for a TD. But like in the Rocky
movie "it ain't over till it's over"! I like BSU's staff,
and as with my dealings with Coach Peterson, he is a
humble man, and a man of his word/ he told Hawkins
numerous times he wouldn't leave and I also know he
thought of his family as one of his sons has battled
cancer and he thought Boise was the best place to fight
it. Also it is amazing how many players on that BSU team
are walk ons and contributors. take care Mike Foristiere,
Boise, Idaho
- *********** To think that if we had a playoff system,
all that Boise State joy would have been shortlived,
because BSU would have had exactly 24 hours to enjoy the
win, then get to work on next week's game.
- Which they might very well lose.
- And so, instead of spending the off-season on the
high of a big win, they'd go home losers.
- And all those Boise State people in the stands at the
Fiesta Bowl? They had weeks to arrange time off from
work, get baby-sitters, make travel arrangements.
- Think they'd be able to fly back to Boise and in two
or three days' time pull that off again?
- All this so we can "finally" have a "true national
- All you people crying for one - shouldn't you be
getting back to your Fantasy League?
- *********** Coach, Isn't this the greatest??? One
bowl after another...but I have to admit that you west
coast guys have it all over us here on the eastern front.
I only caught the first quarter of the Boise St. game the
other night (early to bed early to rise, etc. etc.)
- A few notes.
- 1) The Navy game really upset me and my staff. We
were at my house (wives included) celebrating the New
Year and watching the game. We're New Englander's, but
you know we love the ground game. "WTF was that?" is all
I could think of. Damned shame. Another thought about the
Navy game....why put in "Mr. Alabama Football" at the
very beginning? He cost a turnover. My thought is "stick
with what got you there." But what do I know. I'm just a
high school coach.
- 2) WTF is "trickeration"?
- 3) Boise St. really pulled out all of the stops. They
will be the highlight of the bowls, for sure. I can just
hear it now. "Why don't you run the 'statue of liberty',
it worked in the bowl game last year," said mommy who
knows nothing. Exciting game apparently, but I would
argue it will promote what we (as DWer's) hate to see and
- 4) Lots more to say. Most importantly is Happy New
Year to you and yours. Enjoy what we have left as far as
quality football, we are soon to enter the great black
hole of television viewership.
- Already looking forward to Providence.
- Patrick Cox, Tolland H.S., Tolland, Connecticut
- *********** Hey Coach, Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year! I hope you and Connie had a great Christmas, Tami,
the boys and I drove up to Michigan to see her folks for
Christmas and we had a real good time until we started to
head for home. A few hours before we were going to leave,
Tami started to complain of a sore throat and later that
she really wasn't feeling too good. No worries though, I
am fully capable of driving the 21 hours myself. Well,
about 5 hours into the trip, Tami is full-on sick and so
was I. Flu-like symptoms, fever, chills, achy body,
headache, nausea, the whole shootin' match. Long story
short, we had to stop 3 times so that I could just sleep
and recharge. We finally got home after 32 hours in the
car. That was probably the single most miserable
experience of my life. Thankfully, we arrived home safely
and neither of the boys contracted our illness and Tami
and I are both on the mend.
- Last night Donovan got the unique experience of
playing football in front of about 60,000 fans at the
Champs Sports Bowl here in Orlando. His Pop Warner team
along with three other Tiny Mite (6-7 year olds) teams
were selected to play exhibition "games" before the start
of the Purdue-Maryland game. Each team got 8 offensive
and 8 defensive plays. Even though they (they officials)
don't keep score Donovan's St. Cloud Bulldogs team was
thrilled to come out on top 24-18 against the Avalon
Timber Wolves. The offensive team got the ball on the 10
yard line and got 4 plays and then the other team got the
ball. Donovan's team (we run the DW) scored twice on each
possession and, not to brag or anything, but Donovan made
a TD-saving tackle from his OLB position to keep the
other team from tying the score. Donovan also played
right TE and opened some huge holes for our 88 power. All
4 backs scored a TD (how's that for spreading the
wealth). A-Back Westin Wood scored from 10 yards out on
an 88 Power, C-Back Treyvon Bradley also scored from 10
yards out on a 99 Power, B-Back Chase Summers scored from
3 yards out on a Wedge and QB Lucas Hatchey scored on a
QB Wedge from 1 yards out. It was great to hear the crowd
roar each time a hole opened and one of our backs cut up
field. After the game, all 4 teams sat up in the stands
in the same area and several fans there for the "real"
game commented on how great all the kids played and were
patting them on the back or high-5ing them. All the kids
felt like superstars!
- All of our kids did a great job blocking and
tackling, especially if you take into account that we
were really only able to practice about once a week since
the end of our season about 5 weeks ago. 40 rushing yards
on 8 carries isn't too bad for a bunch of 6-7 year olds.
We (all the coaches) are very proud of our boys'
performance on the "big stage". I'm sure it will be
something that they will remember for the rest of their
lives. By the way, the coaches got a pretty big kick out
of it too.
- Anyhow, I would like to go ahead and order a copy of
your Virtual Clinic II, the first one was great and can't
wait to look at this one. I will send a check out in the
mail on Tuesday, as our mailman has already come and gone
today. Also, any word on the date for the Atlanta Clinic
yet? I know you are working on it and will let me know
ASAP but, I have several people here asking about it and
I told them I would try to find out for them. Thanks in
advance and again, Happy New Year!!
- Donnie Hayes, Viera HS, Viera, Florida
- *********** Good Morning Hugh and Happy New Year, I
spent a far amount of time over the Christmas break
viewing and taking notes from Virtual Clinic 2 and that
in conjunction with the Virtual Clinic 1 and the Core
Play DVD, in my opinion are the best materials out there
on the DW. Great job and #2 is a must for any coach who
runs the DW.
- I spend a lot of time collecting DW information from
all over the country and your stuff is by the far the
best. I never fail to learn something from your materials
after all these years of running the DW. I especially
liked the material on the pass game and in spite of the
fun we as Double Wing coaches make of the forward pass it
is an important part of the offense and tremendous weapon
for us when used as part of the overall philosophy-- pass
to score, pass when it is least expected, and throw the
ball to someone who can catch it. One of the things I
have noticed is that your teams passed the ball when you
got close to the goal line and for extra points. Anyway
the Virtual clinic tape is full of great material -- did
Connie do the taping? (what a great partner she is to
- I thought your son's comments on reasons for not
having a play-off really is a good point. The aggressive
nature of bowl coaches sure makes the games a lot of fun
to watch. Georgia Tech's onside kick to start the second
half is just another example-- although they lost to West
Virginia they certainly pulled out all the stops to win.
I also noticed that during this game that West Virginia
used the scramble block to the front side, you talk about
in the virtual clinic 2, when rolling out on their pass
- Thanks again for virtual clinic DVD and my old copy
of the original, Dynamics of the DW, is in the mail with
the check -- please send the DVD upgrade.
- Thanks, Jack Tourtillotte, Boothbay Harbor,
- *********** Hugh - the clinic 2 dvds are awesome. So
many ideas - I am a bit overwhelmed right now. Formation
possibilities seem endless. Every year I try a few new
plays or variations that I think will help and I usually
keep a few, as well as toss a few out (and sometimes
replace an old play like 38 go reach with a new play like
88 g reach). I am really looking at having a better
passing game right now and also different ways to combat
hard corners. I would like to improve our G play as well
(we haven't been getting as much out of it as we used
to). I like the idea of the reverses as we have a lot of
backside chase and encounter a lot of teams who pinch
down tight enough to give our counters trouble at times.
A reverse should help with that. I also really like 800
scramble left - especially if our QB situation works out
next year (great runner). I will let you know more later.
ps- funny commentary as well - you kept me laughing. John
Dowd, Oakfield, New York
- *********** Hi Coach Wyatt, I watched your latest
clinic on DVD and it was great. For coaches who find it
hard to travel it lets us get updated on new ideas in the
DW, I will be using the 800 series for sure. More
important, the virtual clinics show us other coaches
doing what we are doing. This is valuable as so many
idiots are telling us and our coaches what to do based on
what they see the pros do on TV.
- Last year I coached a small 14-15 year old team, we
had to bring up 12 year olds to play some games. We won
one game, but were close in three more. Without the DW we
would have been blown out in every game.
- I have almost every tape you sell, and I am proud to
say I always bought the original from you. You are always
quick to get back to me on any technical matters I am
unclear on.
- Regards, Ron Singer, Toronto, Canada
- *********** They told us on the Sugar Bowl telecast
that several of Notre Dame's seniors may graduate and
still come back to play next year, as graduate students.
But there's one condition - first, we were told, they
have to be admitted to graduate school! Oooo scary - that
could be real tough. Gee, I hope somebody tells
them to be sure to mention on their applications that
they are football players.
- *********** Have you ever seen anybody throw a long
pass as effortlessly as LSU's JaMarcus Russell? He
doesn't even has to use his feet - just flicks the damn
thing - and it goes a mile. The guys in the booth said he
can throw the ball 85 yards max, 50 yards kneeling, and
40 yards sitting. His short and medium passes aren't too
bad, either. In fact, he may have the best arm I've ever
seen. Hope he stays in college one more year. I think the
prospect of being drafted by the Raiders might be enough
to convince him to stay.
*********** Tom Brokaw, speaking at President Ford's
funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral,
noted that "football was a metaphor" for President Ford's
career as a leader: he played center, right in the middle
of things... He never got much notice, but he had his
hands on the ball on every play, and no play could start
without him... And when the play was over, he stood back
while others took the credit.
- *********** My wife's closest friend in high school
was a girl named Bobbie Wells. Bobbie's dad, whom I
didn't really get to know until just before he passed
away several years ago, was a great sports fan. He was a
native of Superior, Wisconsin, whose brother Marshall, I
learned, had played on the line at the University of
Minnesota during the glory years of Bernie Bierman,
playing on the Gophers' national championship team of
1936 (along with a blocking back named Bud Wilkinson) and
then had gone on to become a college coach.
- In doing some research on President Ford's coaching
career, I came across the photo below, and there, by
golly, standing next to the new guy from Michigan was a
guy named Marshall Wells. Could it be anybody other than
Bobbie's Uncle Marshall?
- I wrote to Bobbie and included the photo. Bobbie (now
Bobbie Ryan and living in Washington state, a few hours
from us), wrote back, " Oh, Hugh! Of course it's
Marshall! Thank you so much. I have some old film of a
game played at Yale when he was coaching there and had it
transferred to VHS about 20 years ago. It's out on loan
to a cousin at the moment, but when it comes back I'll
mail it to you. Typical of the Fords, they kept in touch
with Mary and Marshall all through the years. When Ford
was going to speak in the Boulder/Denver area sometime
during his presidency, he called Mary (Marshall had died
by that time) and asked her to sit with them on stage.
She did. A great thrill for her."
- And then Bobbie sent the photo to her cousin,
Marshall's daughter, who wrote back,
- "YES - that's definitely my dad next to Gerry Ford!!
From what I remember my mom telling me about those Yale
days, they were pretty good friends. Years later, after
Dad died, my mother got a call from someone saying that
she should keep her phone line clear for the next few
minutes because the White House would be calling. She
thought "oh sure", but it WAS in fact President Ford
calling her!! She was so thrilled. She received Christmas
cards from the Fords for years and was invited to their
condo in Vail one year, but didn't go - don't know why.
I'll see what I can find on the Yale years. Thanks for
the pic!"
- *********** A Michigan man...
- It was said that whenever President Ford paid a visit
to Ann Arbor, he would make it a point to get out to
watch Michigan football practice, and he would always ask
Coach Bo Schembechler if it was all right if he listened
in on the huddle.
- Such was the respect between the two men that
President Ford, a former Michigan center whose No. 48 was
retired in 1994, had arranged in advance for Coach
Schembechler to be a pallbearer at his funeral.
- "He was so excited about it," Bo's widow, Cathy, told
the Detroit News. "When he had heard from President Ford
asking him quite awhile ago if he would do this (Ford)
had written Bo a letter, and Bo was so excited and so
honored. He kept saying, 'I can't believe it, I can't
believe that he would select me for this.' "
- Unfortunately, Coach Schembechler died a little over
a month before President Ford, on November 17, and so, in
his absence, Mrs. Schembechler was an honorary pallbearer
at another Michigan man's funeral.
- *********** Speaking of a Michigan man... As a
columnist for the Stanford Daily, Christopher Anderson,
home in Wisconsin for the holidays, got in touch with
Jack Harbaugh, the father of new Stanford coach Jim
Harbaugh. Jack, if you don't know, was a career coach
whose last stop was as head guy at Western Kentucky,
where in 2002 he won the D-1AA championship. Along the
way, he was also on Bob Schembechler's staff at Michigan
(where Jim played). Now, Jack is associate AD at
Marquette where, by chance, his son-in-law Tom Crean, is
the head basketball coach. Christopher writes...
- I had lunch with Jack Harbaugh on Tuesday. We went
to a pub across the street from the Marquette athletic
office. He was wearing his Iggles gear, since his son
John coaches the specialty teams in Philly and they
had beaten the 'Boys the day before.
- I asked him how he got to Michigan. Jack played
for Doyt Perry, who once employed Bo as an assistant
at Bowling Green. Perry recommended Jack to Bo when he
was at Michigan.
- On Stanford: Dennis Green was a GA at Iowa when
Jack was a coach there. Green had asked Jack to be his
DC if he got the Stanford job in 1979. Green didn't
get it, but Paul Wiggin did and hired Green to be the
OC, and he convinced Wiggin to hire Jack as DC. Jack
was there in 80-81, then went to WMU, to Pittsburgh
with his cousin Mike Gottfried, and then WKU.
- Jack's successor as secondary coach at Michigan
was an assistant at Illinois named Lloyd Carr.
- He had lots of great Bo stories (including the
time when Bo ran into a Michigan politician who
advocated legalizing marijuana.) He sounds a lot like
Bo in his accent and cadence. He promised I'd see some
Bo in Jim's coaching.
- On coaching: Jack lamented that today's
college/pro coaches are less and less likely to have
coached in middle or high schools. "They might not
know how to tell a kid how to get into a
- *********** Hugh, Lots of fun games today. Too bad
Michigan wasn't playing in one of them. They've got a
serious program in LA. That USC team should have been
playing Ohio State - how they lost to UCLA given the game
they played today is beyond me.
- Michigan really misses a Troy Smith-Dwayne Jarrett
kind of guy, who can produce no matter what. I sent the
Michigan AD an email advising him to not listen to the
vultures who want Lloyd's carcass. The heat will be on
again, but we don't need to pull a Frank Solich job.
- At least the Big Ten has already clinched the Big
10-SEC Bowl Challenge trophy.
- Boise State - what a ball game. Just unbelievable.
Fighting back after blowing it. And THREE perfectly
executed trick plays with the game in the balance each
time. Serious guts.
- Christopher Anderson, Palo Alto, California ----
The USC loss to UCLA resulted from one simple factor:
on the day that USC played Notre Dame, UCLA was off. The
next week, UCLA, with two weeks to prepare, beat USC,
coming off a highly emotional win over Notre Dame. All
college coaches know that it is very, very tough to get
kids to get up for two big games in a row, something that
the "we need a playoff" guys never consider.
- If we were to have a playoff system, I'll bet that
the Notre Dame-USC series would be one of the first
casualties of the creative scheduling that would
- I think, Frankly, that USC would beat Ohio State.
But that will have to remain a conjecture. And that's
fine, because during the college football off-season,
we'll have plenty of interesting things to talk about,
whereas during the pro football off-season, they talk
about such interesting things as free agency and cap
space and million-dollar contracts and assorted
drug-related felonies and misdemeanors committed inside
fast cars and outside nightclubs.
- When I saw the OU defender hightail the interception
into the end zone, I said "that's the WORST thing he
could have done!" leaving a minute on the clock. Hard to
tell a guy to not cash in the game winning points, but
with the game tied and OU with the momentum, downing it
outside the goal line wouldn't have been the worst move.
(Now that's what I would have called REAL clock
management! HW)
- *********** Despite being an Okie I couldn't help
myself in rooting for Boise State
that is the best
bowl game I can remember watching. Major stones award to
the B. St. coach.
- I also loved the fact that the announcers were
sooooooo amazed at the fact that Boise state was beating
OU by running the football almost like they were doing
the impossible
..running the ball
linemen to lead through the hole
outnumbering the
defense at the POA
who ever thought of
- Gabe McCown, Piedmont, Oklahoma (Anytime you can
beat Oklahoma you are accomplishing something. It takes a
great team and a great effort to do it. That was not a
great Oklahoma team, but it was a damn good one, thanks
to a super coaching job. Major props to Coach Stoops for
overcoming the loss of Bomar and Peterson.
- It sure is annoying, isn't it, listening to guys
from a network that hasn't gone near college football in
years come in and pose as experts, expressing amazement
at stuff we are used to seeing all the time, and feeling
the need to explain things (like the college overtime) as
if all anybody ever watches is that Pro Phootball
garbage, and we normally wouldn't be watching college
football except that it was on Fox? HW)
- *********** I don't know if you noticed or not but
Fox actually presented the Fiesta Bowl better than I
thought they would. At half time there were two former
coaches that recommended establishing the running game
and not to focus on passing. It makes you think of
how much change has occurred in the last 10 years at
every level. Remember when "mobile" quarterbacks were
said to never be worth drafting in the "NFL"? Now every
team wants a Michael Vick or Vince Young on their side.
Remember how they told Steve Spurrier that his 5
wide sets would not work in the NFL. Now look at what is
happening. I am saying this just to show that the NFL
will take what they are given and adapt to what is going
on in the lower levels of football. If you want
to see a double wing system come into place it just
needs to be implemented at a major college and
executed correctly to be seen in the NFL within the next
10 to 15 years. I knew Boise State could pull an upset,
but I am amazed at how Boise State saved all of
there trick plays for the end of the game, when they were
going to be needed most. And they managed to go toe
to toe with big bad Oklahoma the whole game. Anyone
who thinks that a playoff system would not do Division 1A
Football justice needs to think twice. I think a top 32
team playoff system incorporating every conference
champion would work out. I believe it is totally
ridiculous to put mediocre teams against each other no
matter how good the game was. Division 1A needs a
playoff system to have a real National Championship. And
all of this arguing that a playoff system would not pay
the same amount of $$$ that a bowl system does need only
to look at the institutions that drive up the price of
College Football, the coaches are making $MILLIONS!!!!
Why else would they need a bowl game? Ben Rushing Fort
Worth, Texas
- You make a good point about what has always been
the copycat nature of coaches. I do not think, however,
that the American public is in any danger of having to
watch the Double-Wing because no matter how successful it
may be, no matter how much its followers believe in it,
it does not meet the aesthetic standards of the Great
American Fan.
- I respect your right to an opinion on a playoff,
but that dog is dead on my doorstep and has been for
years. I am dead-set opposed to the idea, for reasons
I've repeated over and over on my pages. Among other
things, I simply don't see any compelling need to send 31
teams home as losers in order to boil things down to
produce one survivor. As it is now, I am happy for the
players, fans and coaches from Boise State, and Texas
Tech and Penn State and Maryland and Texas and Oregon
State and Auburn and TCU and South Carolina and Rutgers
and Utah and San Jose State, etc. They all went home
winners, while in a playoff system they all would have
gone home losers at some point. Actually, many of them
wouldn't even have been in a 16-team playoff.
- Forget a 32-game playoff. You're never going to
see it. It may be nice and inclusive and all that, but
this isn't basketball. The only thing worse than watching
a #1 seed beat up on a #16 seed is watching it happen
twice, on each side of the brackets. That bracket
trickery may work in basketball (although a #16 has NEVER
beaten a #1) but in actuality, with a 32-team tournament,
"#1 against #16" is an illusion - with two brackets, it's
actually the #1 and #2 teams against the #31 and #32
teams. Talk about mismatches.
- If the NCAA basketball tournament were honest and
were to show us that in the opening round it's really #1
against #63, or #3 against #61, and so forth, even casual
fans would be asking, "what the f--k are they even doing
playing each other?"
- In college football, that's a hell of a spread in
quality, and people are going to get hurt.
- Ugh. I'd much rather watch two "mediocre" (but
well-matched) teams play in a nameless bowl. If others
don't want to watch, there is always Phootball on the NFL
Channel. HW
- *********** Coach Wyatt, As much respect as I have
for Coach Stoops he was out coached, and Boise got a
little lucky, and somewhere Mark Speckman must be
smiling. After your clinics my next stop is one of his.
Us guys from smallvilles everywhere love the BRONC'S.....
Mike Studer Kittitas, Washington (I'm not sure that
I'd call it being outcoached. To be honest, there's not a
whole lot of us out there who wouldn't have been caught
flat-footed by those cool Boise State plays. What bothers
me is that I hear certain ESPN experts (remember, ESPN
didn't get to carry the game!) are dissing Boise State
because they had to win with "trick" plays. HW)
- *********** Coach, Happy New Year and all the best to
your family and you. I have a few thoughts regarding
information from your most recent column:
- 1) Could someone explain to me why Barry Alvarez (I
think he is still the AD at Wisconsin) was doing TV color
commentary on, I believe, the Rose Bowl? Shouldn't he
have been with the Badgers before, during, and after
their win over Arkansas?
- 2) Boise State's program was also outstanding in the
early to middle 1970's when Tony Knap was the head coach.
The Broncos were a team that threw the ball well from
spread sets but also ran the ball equally well. They were
Big Sky conference champions for a number of years (and
defeated our Idaho State squad on a blocked field goal in
1975 - that cost the Bengals a shot at tying for the
conference championship - both Coach Knap of BSU and
Coach Bob Griffin of ISU were co-recipients of the AFCA
regional coach of the year award following the 1975
season) before Coach Knap went to Nevada-Las Vegas to
head up their program.
- 3) Glen Mason's firing was an unusual one to say the
least. The Minnesota AD, Joel Maturi, went on TV and
stated, in a response to a question, that if the Gophers
had not lost to Texas Tech that Mason would probably not
have been fired. Mr. Maturi went on to state that the
Gopher program was in far better shape than when Coach
Mason arrived and that Mason had done his best to promote
(aka "sell") the concept of the Gophers getting a new, on
campus football stadium. It should also be noted that the
Gophers went to a bowl game only three times before Coach
Mason arrived - they went to something like seven bowls
in his 10 years at Minnesota. (Even with the tremendous
number of bowls now available, Minnesota would not have
qualified for any of them as before Coach Mason, the
Gophers were a sub-.500 team for a very long time.) It
appears that Coach Mason ran a clean program that had the
most wins in any five year period since 1910 and that his
players generally were solid representative of the
community and the state. But, after 10 years of trying to
win a conference title, because of one loss, Coach Mason
is fired. That may be typical of the attitude in
athletics but very strange.
- 4) I would hope that the University of Minnesota
tries to seriously go after Frank Solich. He is a quality
person (not without some warts) and an excellent coach.
Nebraska has always recruited the Minnesota area well and
I am sure Coach Solich still has a number of ties to
Minnesota kids and coaches.
- 5) Finally, I loved the Alabama lateral for the TD.
We ran that out of the DW ("Blue-Right Tackle Throwback"
as well as "Blue-Right Tackle Throwback Pass"). On the
first, we lateralled to the ROT and had him run after
dropping for pass protection and getting deeper than the
QB and on the second our ROT (who had been a TE the year
before and a very good athlete) took the lateral and then
threw the ball. That one was ALWAYS open.
- Hugh, take care and talk to you soon.
- Mike O'Donnell, Pine City HS, Pine City, Minnesota
Great to hear from you. I guess that Coach Alvarez
must have had this in his contract, and he was
undoubtedly confident that they wouldn't need him. On the
other hand, it does look almost disrespectful of the
Wisconsin people not to be at their bowl
- I'm aware of the job that Tony Knap did. Jim
Criner didn't do a bad job there, either. But the ramping
up of the program to Division IA and then on to the BCS
really dates to Pokey Allen, and from what I gather, Dan
Hawkins really deserves the credit for having the vision
to project Boise State as a potential BCS team.
- I also appreciate the insight into the Glen Mason
situation. I've always maintained that in many cases a
coach doesn't get fired because of losing. He gets fired
because he pissed some people off, and the losing gives
them the excuse they need to get rid of him. Patrick
Reusse obviously was one of those he pissed off. Maturi
did a real about-face, making me think, based on comments
by the president, that he must have been one of the
people Glen Mason pissed off.
- Personally, I would think Glen Mason would be a
great coach almost anyplace, and I'm sorry they waited to
let him go until it was too late for him to hook up
someplace else.
- *********** Comments from the President of the
University of Minnesota, Robert Bruininks -
- "People need to know that we're not going to be
satisfied with competing against the best of the bottom
of the Big Ten. We need to set higher standards. I
totally reject the notion that you can't win at Minnesota
in football or men's basketball."
- "We have made major investments in football. I put
my own career on the line to bring Gopher football back
onto campus. If that doesn't demonstrate our commitment
to athletics, I don't know what will. I want this program
to compete at the highest level, and I think it's
important for people to know that we are going to do
everything possible to make that happen."
- "We have not gotten to that next level. We have
higher expectations than to just win enough to get to a
bowl game that is less competitive than the ones played
on New Year's Day."
- *********** Coach: I just had to talk about these
items. If they don't get in your newsletter that is
- I was just sickened during the USC/Michigan game.
What the heck was up with that Jarret (spelling) and his
celebrations during/after plays? That long 50-yard
touchdown pass after Michigan had cut the lead. Not only
does he turn around and taunt the guy during the play by
pointing the ball, but then the Michigan guy gets a
15-yarder during for trying to hit him. Well, Ref, why do
you think the Michigan guy did that? Then later he makes
another reception, and he turns and puts the ball in the
Michigan guys lap. Both plays go unpenalized. I guess if
no one is going to get flagged anymore for celebration,
then explain to me how a Hawai'i receiver gets ejected
from the game for doing no more than running into the
endzone and smacking the hands of some of his fans in the
endzone. I'm really missing something here. Clay
Harrold--Delhi, Iowa
- I consider acts of showmanship to be distasteful
and out of place in a college game, but I suspect that
the officials may be somewhat intimated.
- Maybe Jarrett heard that Keyshawn Johnson was
saying that he wasn't ready for the NFL yet and he wanted
to show the world that in terms of self-celebration he
most certainly is!
- *********** I put Notre Dame's Jeff Zamardzija in a
class with Jarrett or Johnson. Good receiver. Big
- *********** Forget Brady Quinn. Forget Jamarcus
Russell. Forget Troy Smith.
- Nothing against those guys, but they are NOT heroes.
Celebrities, yes. Sports idols, yes.
- A hero is a guy who does something for the good of
others and puts himself or herself at some risk in doing
- That guy who jumped down onto the subway racks and
kept another person from being run over by a train? HE is
*********** And this is the spiritual successor
to Paul "Bear" Bryant?
- On December 21st, NIck Saban, latest in a long line
of heirs to the legacy of Bear Bryant, said, "I guess I
have to say it. I'm not going to be the Alabama coach.
... I don't control what people say. I don't control what
people put on dot-com or anything else. So I'm just
telling you there's no significance, in my opinion, about
this, about me, about any interest that I have in
anything other than being the coach here."
- On December 27th, Saban said, "I'm just making a rule
to never comment on something like that again because
every time you comment on it, it just makes for another
story. So I'm not going to comment on it five years from
now, and I'm not going to comment on it next week."
- On January 3, in the words of the Miami Herald's Greg
Cote, "He left his job in Miami unfinished and his
contract unfulfilled, and he skittered off to Tuscaloosa
like a rat through a drainpipe."
- Rolled, Tide.
- *********** There are a lot of good people in
Alabama, and I know a lot of them. And the University of
Alabama has a storied football history. At the current
time, one of the books I am reading is "The Last Coach,"
Allen Barra's biography of Alabama's legendary coach,
Paul "Bear" Bryant.
- But folks, it's a dark, ugly day for college football
when Alabama's flagship state university provides cover
for the sort of people who will offer a football coach a
contract guaranteeing him $32 million over the next eight
- The thought that an athletic department could be so
outside "institutional control" ( as the NCAA likes to
put it) as to commit a sum of money sufficient to pay the
undergraduate tuition of almost 1,500 Alabama freshmen
every year for the next eight years in order to hire a
football coach makes one wonder if there is any limit to
what they might do in search of a winning program.
- Probably not.
- Require players to take college-level courses and
actually go to class? Get serious, man. What do you think
this is - a university?
- Bribe high school coaches and pay off high school
kids? Already tried that in Memphis and got caught.
- Put out contracts on opposing coaches' lives?
- Or on professors who flunk football players?
- Hmmm. When they've shown what they'll do just to get
a coach, anything is possible.
- It's not as if there's anybody with a spine over in
the president's office to tell them they can't.
- *********** A former University of Alabama Trustee
named Garry Neil Drummond said Wednesday that Nick
Saban's $4 million a year salary is too much and it sends
the wrong message about the University of Alabama's
- "It's incredible," said Drummond, the president of
Birmingham-based Drummond Co., a large, family-owned coal
mining and real estate development firm. "It's OK for
sports to be important. But this is
- "What are we about as a university?" he said in an
interview with the Birmingham News. "Football is a big
part of it, but paying the dollars we are talking about
here is more than anyone else is getting."
- He noted that Saban is not only guaranteed the $4
million a year for eight years, but incentives in his
contract could amount to another $800,000 a year.
- "This is CEO pay," Drummond said. "I think it is one
of the worst things we have ever done."
- Indeed, it is CEO pay. And then some. In fact, the
News points out, Saban's $4 million annual salary is more
than the combined yearly compensation of any head of any
publicly-traded Alabama Company. The closest to him is
the CEO of a company called Vulcan Materials, who earned
$3.7 million in salary and bonus in 2005, the last year
for which such figures are available.
- *********** I have a feeling
that Alabama's extravagant spending on one football coach
may have repercussions that could change the face of
college football as we know it.
- And I'm not talking about
forcing others to emulate them, either.
- I'm talking about the last days
of college football as we now know it.
- It is time for all college
sports fans to get to know Congressman Bill Thomas
better. Soon enough, they will.
- Congressman Thomas, a
Republican from Bakersfield, is chairman of the House
Ways and Means Committee - they're the ones who write tax
law - and back in October he sent a letter to the NCAA
asking some very uncomfortable questions.
- Noting that the annual returns
filed by the NCAA with the IRS state that the primary
purpose of the NCAA is to "maintain intercollegiate
athletics as an integral part of the educational program
and the athlete as an integral part of the student body,
" Congressman Thomas said that corporate sponsorships and
big television deals have created the impression among
much of the public that major college football and men's
basketball very closely resemble professional
- Among the major questions he
posed to the NCAA:
- "How does playing major college
football or men's basketball in a highly commercialized,
profit-seeking, entertainment environment further the
educational purpose of your member institutions?"
- To get more to the
- "From the standpoint of a
federal taxpayer, why should the federal government
subsidize the athletic activities of educational
institutions when that subsidy is being used to help pay
for escalating coaches' salaries, costly chartered travel
and state-of-the-art athletic facilities?"
- What he's getting at is that at
the present time, for some damn reason, rentals of luxury
boxes - the engine that drives a lot of the idiotic
spending - are tax-deductible, because they are being
paid as "contributions" to "educational institutions."
- College athletic departments
are typically self-supporting and relatively independent
of university control, yet they operate under the
umbrella of the colleges' tax-exempt status, and
Congressman Thomas' very strong suspicion is that the
average taxpayer doesn't see a lot of difference between
a big-time college team and a pro team. One stroke of the
pen and the removal of the tax-exempt status and it all
starts to crumble.
- The NCAA wriggles and spins,
and continues to try to baffle us with the notion that
the hoodlums that increasingly infest major college
football and basketball are actually college students,
referring to them as "student-athletes." It perpetuates
the hoax by running tasteful promos showing former NCAA
athletes (almost certainly non-scholarship athletes from
non-revenue sports) who've gone on to be contributors to
society at large, as if to counterbalance all the evils
of big-time programs.
- "We educate student-athletes,"
says a NCAA spokesman named Erik Christiansen. "They are
students first."
- Right.
- Oh- and Congressman Thomas
noted that at the time he wrote, more than 35 college
coaches were reportedly receiving salaries of at least $1
million a year.
- "Paying coaches excessive
compensation also makes less revenue available for other
sports, causes many athletic departments to operate at a
net loss, and may call into question the priorities of
educational institutions," he said.
- Wonder what he thinks about
committing $32 million to Nick Saban.
- Those fools in the Alabama
athletic department must not have understood the meaning
of the Congressman's letter, but they soon enough will.
Their latest action will make it very, very difficult for
colleges to answer his questions.
- *********** Police seized some 550 rounds of
ammunition from the home of Chicago Bears defensive
tackle Tank Johnson during last month's raid, according
to court documents.
- The ammunition was discovered in Johnson's kitchen,
basement, garage and bedroom.
- Police also found six guns, marijuana and unlabeled
pills believed to be the prescription painkiller
- Johnson was charged with six counts of possession of
a firearm without a gun-owner identification card.
Authorities said they found a semiautomatic rifle with 19
live rounds in the master bedroom, and two unloaded
rifles and two unloaded handguns elsewhere in the house,
and a loaded .45-caliber handgun under a chair in the
- This was his third arrest in the last 18 months.
- It's not as if the NFL looks the other way at such
offenses. Johnson was given a one-game suspension by the
- Oh - and he also apologized. That should count for
- Coach Lovie Smith, whom I generally admire, sounded
very understanding, referring to him as "a member of the
- Whew. Now, I don't know about your family,
- *********** Ken Goe, a friend and a top-notch
sportswriter for the Portland Oregonian wrote a piece on
Wednesday arguing that Boise State deserves a shot at
Ohio State. And so, I had to write back.
- It's not often that I disagree with you, but in my
opinion you are caught up in the euphoria of the underdog
beating the favorite.
- Believe me, I was as thrilled by Boise State's win as
any of the million others who were pulling for the
- But let's be realistic here ---
- 1. That was not a great Oklahoma team. It was good,
but not so good that a one-point win over it establishes
Boise State as a worthy opponent for Ohio State. Or
Florida. Or USC. Or Louisville. Or LSU. Or Wisconsin. Or
Auburn. Or, even, Michigan.
- Boise State play Ohio State? Penn State might be more
like it. Penn State lost four games - to Notre Dame,
Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio State. All but Wisconsin are
BCS teams, and Wisconsin would have been one except for
the 2-team limit from each BCS conference (making it
possible for Boise State to get in). Admitting my
prejudices as a Penn State fan, after seeing the way they
played against Tennessee I'd put everything I have on the
Nittany Lions against Boise State.
- 2. Boise State's unbeaten record has to be looked at
in the context of its schedule. It included exactly one
game against a BCS-conference team, a win over Oregon
State. The win over Utah was a big one. I won't say
anything about the win over Sacramento State or the
7-point win over Wyoming. But eight of Boise State's wins
were over conference opponents, and let's face it, Boise
State is stuck in a conference that is worse than
"mid-major." Boise State's conference opponents were 3-15
against BCS-conference opponents. And one of those three
wins was San Jose State's one-point win over
- It was great for Boise State that BCS rules allowed
it into a BCS game ahead of the likes of Auburn and
Wisconsin, and to the great credit of the Boise coaches
and players, they made the most of it.
- But I go with Ian Johnson, who was prodded by a TV
jackal to say that Boise State should get to play Ohio
State and very modestly said, "We got our bowl game and
we won it and we're happy."
- He's right. They got their bowl and they got their
win. So why can't that glorious win over Oklahoma be
enough? Why does a great win like that have to be made
anticlimactic by yet another game, for some artificlal
"national championship,", whether playoff or
- Why does there always have to be more?
- *********** Coach - Just got done watching the Boise
St -Oklahoma game. Boise St is about to go For the Two to
Win the Game, that F**kin idiot Play by Play guy
Brenneman goes on a diatribe about a Play-Off, Boise St
gets the two to Win the Game, and he almost jumps
out of the booth on the call ( these NFL idiots will
never get it ) - John Muckian, Lynn, Massachusetts
(The TV guys are fools. To hell with them. One of the
reasons you get bad football in the NFL is that the NFL
has playoffs and therefore there is no point in taking
chances. With the bowl games, every bowl game IS a
championship game, and since there are no more games,
nobody has any reason to play conservative. HW)
- *********** Coach: It is annoying. I was
surprised that the announcers in the WVA game actually
admitted that they ran quite a bit of single wing, and
that zone blocking doesn't work without a great athlete
at RB. By the way what did you think of the "sleeper"
play? I'd never seen anything like it. It's the perfect
scheme for the NFL to steal
then it doesn't matter
how big and unconditioned the line is..they no longer
have to do anything at all
just get
in a stance and hold it for a few seconds. We could make
a lot of money marketing the new fangled "hippo" offense
as a solution for the fat, slow lineman who isn't capable
of holding due to hand strength or an old fashioned
morality. Gabe McCown, Piedmont, Oklahoma
- *********** The Flyers are losing, and with Iverson
gone, the Sixers are no longer filling the place, but
Philadelphia's Wachovia Center is already sold out for
the Wing Bowl 15.
- The place will be filled to the gills when
contestants attempt to do the same in one of zaniest and
best-attended "competitive eating" contests takes place
on February 2.
- Some of the eating feats performed by people
attempting to qualify are stupendous. You can read about
them here...
- http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/sports/special_packages/wingbow/
- I should point out that when you read on there about
someone eating a "cheesesteak," a "whole" is about two
feet long.
- It is so quintessentially blue-collar Philly that it
is impossible to describe.
- When my friend Tom Hinger was in Philly for the last
Army-Navy game, he said that the bouncer at a watering
hole near the stadium complex told him that at last
year's "event," his place was packed until closing time,
which in Pennsylvania is 2 AM, after which the place
emptied and all the customers headed over to the Wachovia
Center to wait for the doors to open at 6 AM. By 8 AM,
the place was out of beer.
- *********** The worst part of the whole Fox/BCS deal
is that we won't be seeing the Boise State-Oklahoma game
on ESPN Classic anytime soon. Not to worry. ESPN is
already working on my screenplay "Bravo Broncos!",
(inspired by a true story), in which a young football
player from the mean streets of Oakland is passed up by
all the big schools and finally has to go to the only
place that offers him a scholarship, a rich, artsy-fartsy
college that has never had winning season.
- There, he happens to meet the richest and most
popular girl in school, and, not being bashful, tells her
he's going to marry her someday. "Yeah, right!" she says
sarcastically. "On the day we win the national
- But the team picks up a few wins, and he reminds her
of her answer. At first, she laughs it off, but as the
wins continue to mount, she begins to worry.
- And when the team finishes the season unbeaten and is
selected to play in the national championship game, she
is forced to tell her parents of the foolish pledge she
made, back when she thought there was no chance this
would ever happen.
- Her father goes to great lengths, even to offering
bribes to key players and coaches if they will throw the
game, but it's no use - they pull off the win.
- And as the young man goes to claim his prize after
the game, national television catches him kneeling down
in front of the girl and proposing to her, when out of
the corner of his eye he happens to see a beautiful woman
in a revealing dress, beckoning him to come to her.
- It's Carmen Electra, and she wants him to take her
- *********** Hello Coach Wyatt, and Happy New Year! I
recently picked up a book at a fundraiser sale called
"Playing the Offensive Line" by Karl Nelson and Bob
O'Conner. The book cover indicated that it would be
a valuable teaching aid for coaches of all levels, so for
5 bucks, I said "what the heck" and sprung for it.
- In the chapter on reach blocking, Nelson, a former
New York Giant, indicates something that I believe is
very indicative of the way the game has evolved, or
rather devolved.
- He first describes the "proper" way to make the
cutoff or reach block, taking the shallow pull step and
ripping the backside arm up and through the defender's
playside shoulder, squaring up, and driving. He
then describes the "lazy man's" way, the dirty player's
easy way out, of executing the same block. He
describes the shoeshine block! He says that it is
perfectly within the rules, as the action takes place in
the free-blocking zone, but that only a coward does
this. He singles out the Denver Broncos as being
the dirtiest team in the league, because they use this
technique. He said that his Giant teammates urged
his O-linemen to reciprocate whenever they played the
Giants, but they refused.
- Apparently, there is a gentleman's agreement in the
NFL that blockers shall NOT engage defenders below the
waist at the LOS. I believe that this mindset
contributes to the anemic running games that we
see. You get huge 300-plus pound sumo wrestlers
attempting to make the cutoff block in the "gentlemanly"
manner and it is obviously ineffective. They are
nowhere near athletic enough to do execute the block
that way, but refuse to execute a legal and
effective blocking technique on the grounds that it is
too dangerous. What strikes me as funny is that
these guys have absolutely no problem executing an
ILLEGAL blocking maneuver (holding), with the league's
tacit approval.
- I was interested in seeing if you had noticed the
same thing, and had drawn similar conclusions.
- Respectfully yours, Mark Rice, Brighton Township
Bears, Beaver, Pennsylvania
- You have hit on a point I've been making for some
- Blocking low is hated by the sumo guys because
it's not easy for people in such abysmal shape to go low
and then have to get up again, and it's hated by the
defenders because it's a lot easier for them just to
chicken fight with the sumo guys without somebody hitting
them in the legs. So it's dismissed as cowardly
- To me, cowardly football is a defensive back
putting the hands in the pockets and launching one's self
at a receiver coming across the middle. While greatly
endangering the receiver, there is almost no risk at all
to the defender.
- Or tackling a pass rusher because you're not able
to block him.
- Or a quarterback hook-sliding... or maneuvering
into position so he can throw the ball away without being
penalized for intentional grounding.
- Or professional football players whining about
having to block low or being blocked low.
- Mark my words - we are very close to seeing the
NFL outlaw low blocking in the free blocking
- The merger of the NFL and Dancing with the
- Coach - Did you catch the Gator Bowl ? The Two Pass
Plays West Va pulled off, where the Offensive Line did
not move out of their stance, one was for a Touch Down,
was that a designed play call, or a broken play ? I think
Rodriguez has used that before, But On ESPN Sports Center
( NOT the Gameday Post Game Show with Holtz and crew)
they were trying to explain , since GA.TECH jumped
off-sides, they are coached not to move out of there
stance, but I am pretty sure GA.Tech was Not Off sides on
either Pass Play and On the CBS broadcast Gary Danielson
( who is Top Notch in my book ) I swore he explained it
as a design Play and the reasons the O-Line does not move
was to freeze the LB's and DB's - John Muckian, Lynn,
Massachusetts (Based on the way those big pro linemen
hate going to the ground, if Rodriguez ever tried that
stuff in the NFL, the offensive linemen would file a
grievance with the NFLPA. HW)
Army's Will Sullivan wore his
Black Lion patch (awarded to all winners) in the
Army-Navy game
The Black Lion
certificate is awarded to all